Update from Administrator – August 12, 2021
August 12, 2021
Under the direction of the DPH, facilities are now required to swab all unvaccinated staff daily with our rapid BinaxNOW kits and weekly through our PCR testing method. As of today, we are now required to test ALL STAFF regardless of vaccination status. To that end, we have been alerted that 1 staff member has tested positive for COVID-19.
Due to this factor ALL Residents and STAFF will be tested every 3 days for the next week. Our hope is for no further positive cases then testing frequency will be determined at that time.
Unfortunately, due to the nature of the positive In-room visits are suspended on our UNIT 1 & UNIT 3 until further notice. Out team is reaching out to families of the residents who have had close contact, as they will be on quarantine for a period of time. Epi has given clearance to those residents who are COVID recovered & FULLY Vaccinated to allow outdoor visits or in our visitation space during inclement weather.
If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact myself or Sandra Gilligan-Germain, DNS at 508.949.0644.
Our apologies for the inconvenience this may cause as we continue to battle through COVID.
Kind regards,
Corey Beaudette, LNHA