Update from Administrator – February 16, 2021
February 16, 2021
Dear Families,
As always, we hope this letter finds you safe and healthy.
Our current COVID status is COVID FREE! With no new residents or staff testing positive in the last two weeks. This also means our hairdresser is back! Call ahead to book your loved ones next beauty visit.
As you know by now, our staff and residents have completed two COVID-19 vaccination clinics, with the majority of our eligible staff and residents now having received at least one dose. The third and final clinic is scheduled to be administered on 2/17/2021 to residents and staff who either are receiving their second and final dose or to those individuals who are receiving their first dose.
If your loved one is receiving their first dose at this clinic, we will work with you and them to schedule their second dose outside of our center, once the Federal Pharmacy Partners Program concludes. The Department of Public Health is actively working on developing further vaccine guidance which will include recommended options and strategies for vaccination.
With most nursing home residents having already received their first, and in many cases, second doses of the vaccine, the state has already reported a significant decrease in nursing home cases of COVID among residents and staff, further proof that the vaccine works and we’re doing our part to eliminate COVID!
While the vaccination plan in our state is well underway, we continue to take all necessary precautions, including wearing personal protective equipment and conducting regular testing, to ensure the safety of our residents and staff.
As you know, the vaccine will not provide immediate protection and we still need to see prevalence in the surrounding communities decline. We continue to follow the existing guidance from CDC, CMS, and our state’s DPH for visitation and infection control practices. As soon as they adjust their guidance, based on vaccination rates in nursing homes, we will let you know.
Our current visitation status is: Open for Indoor visits in our designated visitation space located in our Main Dining Room.
Remember we always offer visitations using our technology (iPads, tablets, calls, etc.) and when we can, window visits and outside visits.
- If able to do visitation (NOTE🙂
- Brief physical contact may be allowed if desired by both the resident and visitor. In order to reduce risk of transmission, individuals must:
- Use alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol before and after contact;
- Hug with faces in opposite directions; and
- Limit the duration of close physical contact and avoid close face-to-face contact even when face masks are used.
- Staff, residents and visitors must wear a face mask for the duration of the visit.
Visitation Reminders:
We want to provide some reminders about our visitation policy, based on requirements set by our state’s DPH and the federal CMS and CDC. We do apologize, but the below is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity for visits, under the strict state and federal guidelines we must adhere to. We know this is not the optimal way to visit your loved one, but these guidelines have been put in place with your loved ones and our staff’s best interest in mind.
- Call main phone number (508.949.0644) or email us at (recreation@webstermanorrhcc.com) to set up an appointment.
- We offer visits seven days a week. Available visiting times are 11AM, 2PM, 3PM and 4PM on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. 11AM, 2PM and 3PM Thursday, Saturday & Sunday and on Wednesday the times are 11AM, 2PM, 3PM, 4PM and 5:30PM.
- Residents may have up to 2 visitors at a time, and one visits per week per resident plus and additional social media visit. If you choose not to use your indoor visit at this time we will make arrangements for a second social media visit.
- Visiting can be up to 45 minutes long.
- Please, no drinking or eating during visits.
- Come to the building with mask on that covers your nose and mouth.
- When you arrive, please sanitize hands, fill out COVID exposure questionnaire and sign the one-time document acknowledging that you will follow the visiting guidelines.
- The receptionist will take your temperature.
- Our staff will direct you to our Main Dining Room. Please do not stop at the nurses’ station, other offices, etc.
- All visitors and residents must wear a facemask that fully covers your nose and mouth, and it must remain in place throughout the entire visit; you must perform hand hygiene prior to approaching the visit area.
- Please maintain social distancing during the visit.
- A staff member will be on hand to answer questions, assist during the visit, and sanitize the space in between visits.
Thank you and please stay safe and healthy!
Kind Regards,
Corey Beaudette, NHA