Update from Administrator – May 12, 2020
Webster Manor would like to wish the best to all the Mother’s inside and out of our facility! We truly hope that it was something special in these tough times. All our female residents received a carnation flower, a show of support and love to each of them. They were also treated to a Mother’s Day Parade put together by families, with inspiring signs and waves from afar. We hope that in the future warm embraces can be given to one another but until then we remain committed in keeping our residents safe.
Towards the end of last week, you may have received a call from myself or my Director of Nursing regarding testing. MassHealth has asked all nursing homes to establish a baseline for COVID-19 at the facility level. This move creates a greater picture on how widespread COVID-19 could be and its impact within the facility. Staff were also asked to be tested in an effort to see a complete snapshot of what we are dealing with.
The National Guard had answered my call to test the resident population and we cannot thank “Task Force Shield Strike Team 13 & MTT7 Mobile Testing Team 7” enough for making us a priority. They were organized, supportive and on point when we needed them most! We continue to test staff utilizing local lab sites such as Harrington to assist us with completing our staff members. This is on-going.
It is with greatest gratitude and pleasure that I can announce Webster Manor is now COVID-19 FREE! Our residents test results came back ALL negative and two of our recently recovered were discharged and rejoined with their families, COVID-19 free.
Congratulations to them and all the best in the future!
To say I am proud of the work we have done is an understatement. Although I (we) understand we are not out of the woods yet, we will continue to put our best efforts in containing this virus and helping those who need short-term or long-term care.
Below, please find the link from Channel 7 WHDH Boston regarding a wonderful story about one of our Covid -19 “graduates”!
Lastly, as Nurses Week continues, I would like to give great PRAISE and a job well done to ALL the nurses at Webster Manor! You make us all PROUD!
Kind Regards,
Corey Beaudette, NHA